Part 1: Is it Weird?
In this episode:
- Is psychoanalysis weird?
- A talking cure
- The unconscious
- The ego is not master in its own house
- Psychoanalysis and the 'cognitive approach'
Part 2: Sexuality
In this episode:
- An enlarged concept of sexuality
- Infantile sexuality
- Perversion is something we're born with
- Normal and abnormal
- Psychosexual stages of development: oral, anal, phallic
- Repression
- Sexuality and symptoms
Part 3: The Oedipus Complex
In this episode:
- The emotional world of children
- His Majesty the Baby
- The mother as first love object
- Is it sexual?
- Jealousy, rivalry, hatred and anxiety
- The role of the father
- Gender: Freud didn't think you were just 'born a boy' or 'born a girl'
- There is no perfect resolution of the Oedipus complex
- It marks us for life
Part 4: The Ego, the Id and the Superego
In this episode:
- A fractured self
- The ego, the id and the superego
- Why did Freud develop a new model?
- Devils and angels
- People fall ill of their moral ideals
- A horse and a rider
- The ego is like a politician
- The goal of analysis is to stop the ego being so silly