The Yalom Reader: Selections From The Work Of A Master Therapist And Storyteller
In this anthology of Irvin Yalom's most influential work to date, readers will experience the diversity of his writings, with pieces that range from the highly concrete and clinical to the abstract and theoretical and, of course, even to the literary. Yalom opens the reader with frank and enlightening autobiographical introduction and then proceeds through four distinctive parts, "Group Psychotherapy, " "Existential Psychotherapy, " "Merging Group and Existensial Psychotherapy, " and "On Writing." The structure of the book follows in many ways the trajectory of Yalom's career, and the selections include excerpts from his text books, an award-winning monograph on existential group therapy; previously unpublished case studies, and excerpts from Loves Executioner; When Nietzsche Wept, and Lying on the Couch. In addition, Dr. Yalom has written a new introductory essay for each of his trade books, which focus on the evolution of his career and thinking since the books were originally published.

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