Free Ebook: Organs without Bodies: On Deleuze and Consequences by Slavoj Zizek
In his inimical style, Zizek links Deleuze's work with both Oedipus and Hegel, figures from whom the French philosopher distanced himself. Zizek turns some Deleuzian concepts around in order to explore the 'organs without bodies' in such films as Fight Club and the works of Hitchcock. Finally, he attacks what he sees as the 'radical chic' Deleuzians, arguing that such projects turn Deleuze into an ideologist of today's 'digital capitalism'. With his brilliant energy and fearless argumentation, Zizek sets out to restore a truer, more radical Deleuze than the one we thought we knew.

Read online here:

Organs without Bodies: On Deleuze and Consequences

1. The Reality of the Virtual

2. Becoming versus History

3. Becoming-machine

4. le siècle empiriomoniste

5. Quasi-Cause

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