
The Courage to Fight Violence Against Women: Psychoanalytic and Multidisciplinary Perspectives

In recent years there has been a surge in awareness of the many arenas in which violence against women occurs. There is a growing attention to human and sex trafficking and femicide throughout the world. Female genital mutilation along with childhood marriage and rape occur regularly in many societies. Sexual victimization of women in custody is now exposed. College campus violence against women has been a serious problem and only recently acknowledged.

In this edited book psychoanalysts show how violence can be seen, known and represented on the world stage and in psychoanalytic treatment. The editors bring psychoanalytic ideas and understanding in an effort to comprehend violence against women. Observing the active witnessing of the contributors to this book elucidates the way trauma is transformed into resilience and healing. Scholars and psychoanalysts from Argentina, Mexico, Peru, the United Kingdom and the United States together address this serious problem along with the consideration of depictions of violence against women in film, art, drama and poetry. With courage, multiple modalities of intervention become possible. Additionally, psychoanalysts develop psychoanalytic commentary of the presentations, bringing the psychoanalytic mind to the larger arena of the many courageous efforts at fighting violence against women.