
The Legacy of Winnicott: Essays on Infant and Child Mental Health

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'Winnicott's profound contribution to the development of psychoanalysis has still not been fully acknowledged. This important [work] celebrates the immense value of Winnicott's thinking, and demonstrates Winnicott's sensitive empathy for infants and children, as well as his imaginative way of reaching those in emotional distress. Brett Kahr, the editor, treats us to a lively, intelligent, and creative introductory essay on Winnicott as "The Cartographer of Infancy". Kahr has gathered together a diverse collection of papers from leading experts in the field. This volume will prove to be essential reading for all those working in the infant and child mental health fields, and beyond.'
- Jan Abram, Past Director of The Squiggle Foundation, and author of The Language of Winnicott.

'This excellent book is an intellectual feast and it should be required reading for all students of psychology. It offers an in-depth knowing on Winnicott, his life, his work, and his wisdom. The excellent contributions are written in a very accessible style, bringing the ideas and concepts truly alive to the reader.'
- Margot Sunderland, Director, The Centre for Child Mental Health, London

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