
May 2016 / Psychoanalytic Events

Welcome to our monthly roundup of all the goings on in the psychoanalytic field ― courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and book launches!

For daily news and updates visit our Facebook page dedicated to Psychoanalytic Events.

Let us know about your upcoming event by emailing freud.quotes [at] gmail [dot] com so you may be included in future roundup. 

2 May / Toronto Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
Freud Café – Coupling: A psychoanalytic point of view

Online Seminar
4 May - 25 May / Global Center for Advanced Studies
Introduction to Psychoanalytic Technique

Northern California
4 May / The Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California
Research off the Couch – Re-visiting the transsexual conundrum

Colchester, Essex
4 May / Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex
'Once He Was a Poet: Psychoanalysis as Poetry in Lacan's Clinical Paradigm'

Sheffield, UK
4 May / The University of Sheffield
Empson Lecture: Professor Adam Phillips, 'Against Biography'

4 May - 6 July / The Tavistock Centrefor Couple Relationships
The Psychodynamics of Couple Relationships: Readings in Love & Hate

5 May / Freud Museum London
Confronting the Catacomb Saints: Death & the Camera in Palermo

6 May - 8 May / Psychoanalysis and Politics conference
Solidarity and Alienation: Social Structures of Hope and Despair

6 May / IPA Q&A
What Would Freud Say?

6 May / The Tavistock Centrefor Couple Relationships
In Search of a Soulmate: Seeking the Perfect Other

New York
6 May / The New School
Das Unbehagen presents: Paul Verhaeghe

New York
May 6 - May 7 / The Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine
Symposium: "On The Body"

7 May / Toronto Psychoanalytic Society & Institute 
Ruptures in the Analytic Setting and Disturbances in the Transformational Field of Dreams

Needham, Massachusetts
7 May / The PINE Psychoanalytic Center
"Must all have prizes?  A comparison of psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, and cognitive behavior therapy"

San Francisco
7 May / San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis
Toward an Erotics of Memory: The Work of Giuseppe Penone

7 May / Tavistock Centre
How do we Work with the Pre-Symbolic?

7 May / 14 May / 21 May / 28 May / Public Seminars
The Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research

7 May / WPF Therapy Workshops
Bion and his Sortilèges' Memoir of the Future

Northern California
7 May / The Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California
The Body, Technology and Becoming

8 May / Film Screening / Freud Museum London
Sigmund's Shorts: Maybe Darkness

8 May / Lecture
The Psychodynamics of Online Relating

San Francisco
9 May / San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis
Sex, text, ur-text: Freud's Dora and the erotics of knowing

9 May - 23 May / Evening course / Freud Museum London
David Lynch's blurred identity trilogy

10 May / Lecture and book launch / Freud Museum London
Translating Anzieu, Professor Naomi Segal

Johannesburg, South Africa
11, 18, 25 May / Institute for Psychodynamic Child Psychotherapy
Klein Theory Course

12 May / Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanalise
I Congresso de Psicanálise de Língua Portuguesa – “Violência, Memória, Identidade”

New York
13 May / The New School
Feminine Law: Freud, Free Speech, and the Voice of Desire

Colchester, Essex
13 May / Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex
'Transference interpretations in short term psychotherapy with adolescents'

13 May / The Group Analytic Society International
Impossible Groups That flourish in Leaking Containers - Challenging Group analytic Theory

14 May / The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis
Eighth Annual Memorial Seminaron the Forward Edge of Self Psychology

Online Seminar
14 May / Global Center for Advanced Studies
Perverting Motherhood: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Biology

14 May / NCVO
Where are the Boundaries of Self and Other?

Ankara, Turkey
14 May - 15 May / Düşünbil Akademi
II. Lacan Sempozyumu – ODTÜ

Hertfordshire, UK
14 May / The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Working with Sexual Material

14 May / Annual Lecture 2016
Working analytically with early relational trauma and borderline states of mind - Orpheus' journey to reclaim Eurydice from the Underworld

Vancouver, BC
17 May - 31 May / Das Unbehagen & New School Lacan Salon
Schreber - Text and Transference. A seminar with Marcus Coelen

17 May / Lecture
Psychodynamic Thinking across the Life Cycle

19 May - 20 May / Toronto Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
The Analyst at Work with the Adult, Through the Lens of Infancy, Childhood & Adolescence

Greece, Athens
19 May - 22 May / International Conference 
Psychoanalysis and the Group: Hope and Despair in Groups, Institutions and Society

21 May / Sigmund Freud Museum
XLIII. Sigmund Freud Lecture: Stefano Bolognini

21 May / Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
Reconceiving Harm and Reparation in the Intersubjective Worldwith Jessica Benjamin, Ph.D.

21 May / Melbourne Brain Centre
2016 Freud Conference

21 May / Confer
Embodied minds and mentalised bodies

21 May / The Free Psychotherapy Network
Mind the Gap: Free Psychotherapy in an Unjust World

21 May / WPF Therapy Workshops
Sibling ambivalence – Love, hate and rivalry

21 May / Institute of Group Analysis
Group Analysis meets Psychosocial Studies

22 May / Freud Museum London
Art and Mourning: The role of creativity in healing trauma and loss

Prague / Paris
23 May - 18 July / Study Abroad
Prague to Paris: Summer Psychoanalysis Course 2016

25 May - 27 May / Conference
Interdisciplinary Conference on Analytic Philosophy and Clinical Psychoanalysis

24 May / Freud Museum London
Soul Machine: The Invention of the Modern Mind

24 May - 29 May / Lyric Hammersmith
4.48 Psychosis: The world premiere of composer Philip Venables’s opera, based on Sarah Kane’s extraordinary play about her experience of depression.

Brooklyn NY
27 May / Lecture / Morbid Anatomy Museum
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble; Narcissism, Mourning & Sexuality: Freud and Lacan meet Dalí and Goldin, An Illustrating Lecture with Claire-Madeline Culkin and Ray O Neill

27 May / Psychoanalysis, Culture and Practice
 ‘The Life of Objects: What Objects Tell Us About Ourselves’ – Deborah Levy

27 May / Freud Museum London
A panel discussion on the impact of trauma in the work of journalism

27 May - 29 May
2016 International Zizek Studies Conference

28 May / Seminar
The Fragile Self: working with narcissistic vulnerability, grandiosity, shame, and alienation

30 May / Lecture / Sigmund Freud Museum
Radical innovator and staunch conservative: Anna Freud’s wartime work and contribution to psychoanalytic theory and practice

San Francisco
Spring Conference: Psychoanalysis and Laziness

16 Oct 2015 – 12 June 2016 / Special exhibition at the Sigmund Freud Museum
„So this is the strong Sex.“ Women in Psychoanalysis

Let us know about your upcoming event by emailing freud.quotes [at] gmail [dot] com so you may be included in future roundup.