
IPA 50th Congress: Intimacy - Call for Proposals!

 Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 25-29 July 2017

Theme: Intimacy


For psychoanalysts, intimacy is the currency of every session. It informs relationships with our patients, our theories and our own work. Intimacy transcends the individual/dyadic, animating the construction of the social, familial and cultural dimensions of everyday life. Intimacy permeates all facets of psychoanalysis, taking many shapes. It can be vivid or shadowy, can reveal or obscure, be transformative or perverse, playful or constricting, silent or passionate.

Psychoanalysis requires us to continually ask ourselves:
  • What is the relationship between intimacy and sexuality, body and gender?
  • How is intimacy sustained and, conversely, eroded in and outside the consulting room?
  • What is the danger to the analyst's life as he/she lives in such intimacy with their patients?
  • How do we think about the infrastructure of intimacy, including the physical environment; instinctual, individual, and clinical dynamics of coupling; families, community and society?
Intimacy has a long reach. For this Congress, we invite proposals that engage with intimacy in any of its manifestations. Proposals are welcome from IPA Members, IPA Candidates and non-Members of the IPA

More info here.