
The Work of Winnicott & Bion and Their Clinical Relevance, 16 April 2016, London

Winnicott's Clinical Relevance

A series of five seminars and clinical discussion on the seminal work of Donald Winnicott. The course intends to provide an insight into some of his key ideas and why they continue to be of such importance. Discussion will focus on how they might be applied in the clinical setting. Topics for each seminar will include: Early Development; Transitionality; Playing; Use of an Object; Illness; Hate in the Countertransference.

Bion’s Clinical Relevance

A series of five seminars. Bion accomplished a radical overhaul of psychoanalytic theory and technique and extended both in novel ways. This series will focus on the practical application of his ideas. Each seminar will have a theoretical component followed by a clinical case presentation. Bion’s writing can at times be even more difficult and arcane than Winnicott. The aim of the seminars will be to clarify his ideas and ground them in the everyday realities of the clinical situation from which they arose. Bion’s writings from the early and middle periods of his career can be highly practical and have major significance for the problems that we all encounter in the consulting room.
Who the course is for

Anyone with an interest in Winnicott's and/or Bion's work and how their ideas can be used in the clinical setting with patients. It is suitable for those considering undertaking training or further training in the field and for those working in mental health who are wanting to expand their understanding of these concepts. The Bion seminars are also intended for post qualification clinicians with an interest in Bion and developments in clinical technique.

The Winnicott and Bion seminars can be taken separately or together.

16th April; 7th & 21st May; 4th June; 2nd July; 1st & 22nd October; 5th & 26th November; 3rd December 2016

More info here.