
“Several Skins”/ Spring Summit 2016 - Apr. 16, 2016, Chicago

“S e v e r a l S k i n s”

The Enhanced Interrogation of Eric Santner
A public interview with the author on his new book:
The Weight of All Flesh

A discussion on Jacqueline Rose led by Katie Glanz

Critical Theses on The Politics of Mental Health
A Discussion of the current state of mental health policy with The Kedzie Center of Chicago

Research Into the Night
A Veiled Exhibition and Talk by Writer, Artist, and Bataille Scholar Jeremy Biles

Started in 2014, the Society for Psychoanalytic Inquiry’s biannual summits touch down somewhere on the continental U.S. every winter(ish) and summer(ish). These semi-public meetings are the foci of reflection on activities and engagements aiming to open new possibilities of attending to the unconscious in the present; they serve as opportunities to collaborate with with other groups, to present works in progress, hash out theoretical debates, and devise future plans.

“Several Skins” couples the unconscious with questions of the flesh, skin, surface and body. Through — an interview with Eric Santner — a consideration of the base matter and body of art according to Georges Bataille — a discussion of the body and sexual difference in the feminist writings of Jacqueline Rose, and — a critical examination of US mental-health policy and the management of the body-politick —

9-9:30 — coffee & eats
9:30-11 — Critical Theses
11-11:15 — break
11:15 – 1:15— Enhanced Interrogation of Eric Santner
1:15-2:30 — lunch
2:30-4 — Psycho-Feminisms
4-4:14 — break
4:15-5:45 — Research into the Night

Contact Ben Koditschek at to registers or with questions —

More info here.