
Projective Identification in Practice, 2 April 2016, London

This workshop will study projective identification as it is experienced in therapeutic practice. Projective identification will be examined in the transference and countertransference; in its different forms whether attributative, evocative or acquisitive; its various motives, whether to communicate, evacuate, possess, control, deny separateness or overcome loss; and as it operates interpersonally, and intrapersonally between the ego and superego.

Therapeutic technique will be discussed in relation to working through to enable the retrieval of projective identifications. These different aspects of projective identification will be illustrated through the presentation of clinical material. Workshop participants will be welcome to contribute examples from their own practice for discussion.

Workshop Leader
Paul Terry is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. He is currently working in private practice. Most recently he worked in a Specialist Mental Health Team for Older People in Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. He has worked in child, adolescent, and adult mental health, and forensic settings. He was Lecturer in Counselling at Birkbeck College, University of London. Paul has a particular interest in projective identification. It is a central concept which threads its way through his published case studies because he finds it especially helpful in illuminating clinical practice. In 2008 he published a revised second edition of his book Counselling and Psychotherapy with Older People: A Psychodynamic Approach (London: Palgrave Macmillan)

For more information and to book

Saturday, 2 April, 2016 - 10:00 to 16:00

WPF Therapy, 23 Magdalen Street, London SE1 2EN