Jacques Lacan: Ordinary and Extraordinary Psychosis - 4 April 2016, Philadelphia
Lacan’s encounter with psychosis made him a psychoanalyst. This seminar explores the evolution of Lacan’s original theory of madness from his early thesis on paranoia to his later notion of the sinthome. We engage in close readings of texts by Freud, Lacan and other authors (Jean Allouch, Darian Leader, Russell Grigg, Jean-Claude Maleval, Stijn Vanheule, Nestor Braunstein, Paul Verhaeghe, Genevieve Morel, Diana Rabinovich, Wilfred Bion, Juliet Flower MacCannell, Claude-Nöele Pickmann.)
In this reading group we engage in a close reading of the texts followed by a discussion. The seminar is open to everyone interested.
WHERE? Kelly Writers House, ROOM # 202 Second Floor
38th and Locust Streets, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
More info here.