
Controversial Discussions for the XXIst Century - 26 April 2016, The Freud Museum London

Screening and Discussion

PEP Web Video Grant Project Winner

60 mins, Produced and Directed by Svetlana Palmer; Cinematographer and editor Paul Bernays. Artisan Pictures 2015.

Taking both its title and spirit from the ‘Controversial Discussions’ in the British Psychoanalytic Society which took place in wartime London after the death of Freud, ‘Controversial Discussions for the XXI Century’ looks at the history and legacy of the discussions regarded by Andre Green as ‘the most important document of the history of psychoanalysis’. Bringing up to date the original ‘Discussions’, the film examines contemporary understanding of ‘unconscious fantasy’ by leading Freudian and Kleinian psychoanalytic thinkers to examine areas of controversy and disagreement and examine whether recent advances in developmental psychology and neuroscience help resolve the original dispute.

The film features interviews with some of the world's leading psychoanalysts and members of the British Society:

Jan Abram , Dana Birkstead-Breen , Catalina Bronstein , Peter Fonagy , Bob Hinshelwood , Isabel Hernandez-Halton , Rosine Perelberg , Ken Robinson , Anne-Marie Sandler , Allan Schore , Mark Solms , Riccardo Steiner and David Tuckett.

The screening will be followed by an informal Q&A with filmmakers and some of the film's participants.

More info here.