
IPA Video Award 2015: VOTE NOW!

Voting is open to all. The deadline for votes is: 30 JUNE.
The IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) Video Jury has shortlisted 5 videos . The Jury was interested in collecting videos created by people outside psychoanalysis and non- professionals. The Award is aimed at young people, and the Jury expected to receive fresh and original visual feedback in the way in which the topic of psychoanalysis is perceived and represented among the younger generation.

After watching the 5 videos below (each is around 4 mins.long) , please click on the voting link to cast your vote.

Parenthesis by Roxana Reiss

Psychoanalysis: "A door to hope" by Gonzalo Arenas Norton

The journey by Romina Ciulli

The Strangerness Within by Jonathan Isserow

Waxing Stone by Anna Freudenthaler

Now it's time to cast your vote: