
Winnicott's Theory of the Maturational Processes

This book presents the central concepts of Winnicott's theory of the maturational processes, clarifying its premises and providing an organised description of the various stages, with their respective tasks and achievements.

This theory, considered by Winnicott as the backbone of his theoretical and clinical work, can be used as a practical guide for the understanding of health phenomena and for the early detection of emotional difficulties. It also provides the framework from which different aspects of the study of human nature can be developed, such as those related to cultural achievements and the entire domain of creativity, as well as the basis on which it is possible to clarify concepts about psychic disorders, on account of their intimate connection with the stages of maturation.

Just as Winnicott did, this study will concentrate on the early stages, when the foundation of personality and psychic health is established. Shedding light on what goes on in the peculiar relationship between a mother and her child, Winnicott describes the environmental conditions which facilitate the gradual constitution of the unitary identity, including both the ability to relate to the world and to external objects and to establish interpersonal relationships.

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