How to Deal With Frenemies: The Well-Documented Friendship of Jung & Freud - 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Would you even know if you had frenemies?

1# Spot the frenemy in your life.

 Freud & Jung celebrating Jung's birthday at his home in Zurich, ca. 1906.

2# Listen to your own instincts.

 Freud & Jung fishing halibut off the coast of the Rhine near Düsseldorf, ca. 1909.

3# Make changes.

Freud & Jung relaxing with freinds at a Turkish banya during a psychoanalysts' retreat , ca. 1907.

4# Talk to the frenemy outright.

Freud & Jung taking a break from their lecture tour to enjoy an American billiards hall, 1908.

5# Expect your frenemy to be surprised or in denial.

Influenced by America's burgeoning bohemian culture, Freud & Jung spent a short portion of their trip travelling the rails. Photo ca. 1908.

6# Be realistic about the chances of staying friends with the frenemy.

Freud & Jung with their sweethearts during a brief furlough, ca. 1907

7# Look to yourself.

Although a political passifist, Freud was well-known for his fascination with rifles and other firearms. This photo, which features a more-than reluctant Jung, was taken during a big-game safari in Sub-Saharan Africa, ca. 1909.

8# Make the break.

Freud & Jung posing for a photo during an ill-fated arctic expedition ca. 1912. One man and three dogs met their deaths during this endeavor. This traumatic episode put a great deal of strain on the two mens' relationship.

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