
Interrogating the Real by Slavoj Zizek

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Interrogating the Real is the first volume of the collected writings of Slavoj Žižek - undoubtedly one of the world's leading contemporary cultural commentators, and one of the most inspiring, provocative and entertaining cultural critics at work today. Drawing upon the full range of his prolific output, the articles here cover psychoanalysis, philosophy and popular culture, reflecting the remarkable breadth and depth of Žižek's interest in politics, culture and philosophy, and also showcasing his entertaining style. A full and clear sense of Žižekian philosophy emerges, derived from Hegelian dialectics, Marxist politics and Lacanian psychoanalysis. At the same time, Žižek's witty and accessible approach to his subject and his choice of exemplars from pop culture ensure that this is a consistently fresh and surprising body of work.

The book includes a new preface by Žižek himself, as well as an introduction by the editors and a helpful glossary for those coming to Žižek's work for the first time.

Table Of Contents

Preface by Slavoj Žižek
'The Thing Itself' Appears: Introducing the Work of Slavoj Žižek
Part One: Lacanian Orientations
1. The Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis in Yugoslavia 2. Why Lavan is Hegelian
3. The Most Sublime of Hysterics: Hegel with Lacan
4. Connections of the Freudian Field to Philosophy and Popular Culture
5. Lacan between Cultural Studies and Cognitivism
Part Two: Philosophy Traversed by Psychoanalysis
6. The Limits of the Semiotic Approach to Psychoanalysis
7. A Hair of the Dog That Bit You
8. Hegel, Lacan, Deleuze: Three Strange Bedfellows
9. The Eclipse of Meaning: On Lacan and Deconstruction
10. The Parallax View Part Three: The Fantasy of Ideology 11. Between Symbolic Fiction and Fantasmic Spectre: Towards a Lacanian Theory of Ideology
12. Beyond Discourse Analysis
13. Re-visioning 'Lacanian' Social Criticism: The Law and its Obscene Double
14. Why is Wagner Worth Saving?
15. The Real of Sexual Difference